Leaky Gut Protocol & A Modified Elimination Diet

Updated: November 11, 2019

Here are some tips that we recommend for patients going on the leaky gut protocol. Leaky gut occurs when you accept increased mucosal permeability or inflammation in lining of the small intestine. There are a variety of factors that can contribute to leaky gut, including foods (especially gluten, genetically modified, and inflammatory foods), pathogenic microorganisms in the intestinal tract (bacteria, yeast, parasites), and sure medications (NSAIDS being at the top of the list). Increased mucosal permeability tin can lead to a wide range of inflammatory/autoimmune disorders and digestive symptoms. It is of import to realize that you lot may accept a leaky gut without having any significant digestive complaints.

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The Leaky Gut Protocol

The shake provides nutrients to assistance subtract abdominal inflammation​, support detoxification, heal the intestinal lining and reestablish a healthy gut flora. The shake contains an immunoglobulin complex ​derived from bovine serum. These immunoglobulins or antibodies help to back up immune function in the gut, equally well as seal up the tight gap junctions in the intestinal lining. Although the immunoglobulin complex is derived from ​bovine, ​information technology does not comprise the proteins institute in dairy that cause an immune reaction with a dairy intolerance. Check with your provider if you are concerned about a possible reaction. The protocol is most constructive when used in combination with an emptying diet.

Instructions for the Protocol:

Ultra Cleanse.…………………………………………………..……….2 scoops daily

SBI Protect…………….……….……………1 scoop daily

GastroCare Plus …………………………………………..……………………………………1 sachet daily

For convenience: Blend, shake or briskly stir all 3 together with 8-12 ounces of water.

Items can also exist blended with unsweetened coconut, almond or cashew milk, coconut water, organic frozen berries and vegetables.

Symptoms and Atmospheric condition Associated with Leaky Gut:

If you suffer from digestive symptoms, encephalon fog, headaches, depression, joint aches, pare weather condition or fatigue, it may be worthwhile trying a modified elimination diet in conjunction with the leaky gut protocol. Consider trying this diet even if you don't go on the unabridged leaky gut protocol. As a minimum accept a skilful probiotic supplement at the beginning.

You may experience deprived having to requite up some of these foods, but the question you need to ask yourself is-Would I rather be deprived of some of these foods or deprived of my wellness?

Elimination Nutrition

The purpose of an elimination diet is to help you place frequently subtle and gradual reactions to commonly reactive foods such as: gluten, dairy, soy, corn, eggs, peanuts, sugar and food additives (e.g. MSG, aspartame, bogus flavorings, colors, etc.). You might also consider eliminating annihilation that yous eat daily, require or "honey". These are oft foods that one might react to. Focus on what you can eat rather than what you lot can't eat and this volition seem much easier.

Gluten and Leaky Gut

Equally a minimum, you should go off all gluten. Gluten contributes to leaky gut in just nearly anybody. Let me begin by defining gluten and explaining why gluten sensitivity is on the rise. Gluten is the protein found in certain grains such as wheat, barley, and rye. You may have heard of celiac disease which is a severe course of gluten sensitivity that is now found to touch one in 100 individuals. That is a rate that is increased from ane in 3000 30 years agone.

Not-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity

More recently at that place has been a new group defined as "non-celiac gluten sensitive"(NCGS) individuals who experience a reaction to gluten and unlike celiac patients they exercise not accept antibodies against various abdominal proteins which defines celiac disease. Past some estimates this grouping may represent up to 30% of the population, but I believe the incidence is actually higher. In my experience, most 100% of patients who become off gluten on a trial footing end up feeling better and really notice agin symptoms if they reintroduce gluten into the nutrition afterwards on. Unfortunately, the merely way to know for certain if you lot are a NCGS private is to endeavor going gluten-free and see how y'all experience.

Getting Started

Endeavour going on an emptying nutrition or as a minimum endeavor going "gluten free" and you will likely feel better inside seven days. Nosotros recommend staying on the diet for at to the lowest degree 3-4 weeks every bit it will take virtually that long to "heal the gut." Some patients may accept up to three months to reestablish a normal performance abdominal mucosa. In my experience, everyone who goes through this process feels better in the stop. This is a "whole food" nutrition, which focuses on fresh vegetables, fruit, good fats, and quality protein sources.

Best Paleo Diet Volume

​I recommend the book Practical Paleo by Diane Sanfilippo, to help you get started. The "Paleo Nutrition" which many of you have already heard most, suggests eliminating all grains, non but those containing gluten. The premise is we should swallow just those foods our ancient, "hunter gatherer" ancestors ate, before we became an agricultural society some x,000 years ago. A "Guide to Healing a Leaky Gut" is included. This book contains many of the principles outlined below and many delicious, healthy recipes.

Healthy Mom and Son Smiling

Dietary Guidelines:

1. Accept the leaky gut shake for breakfast. Feel free to eat something later on on the allowed list if you lot are still hungry.

2. Drink plenty of water, preferably filtered. Consider adding some fresh squeezed lemon juice. Drink greenish tea.

three. Eat lots of vegetables and fruit-preferably organic.

4. Enjoy moderate amounts of high quality protein such equally wild fish, chicken, turkey, beef, and lamb. Select from organic, free ranging, grass fed products whenever possible. Do not grill, fry or cook at a very high temperature. Avoid processed or cured meats.

5. Effort to swallow three meals a day with healthy snacks betwixt meals.

6. To maintain a healthy and stable blood carbohydrate level, eat a combination of protein/carbohydrate/fat at each meal or snack.

7. Basics and seeds with the exception of peanuts (peanuts are actually a legume)

eight. Good for you fats like avocado, coconut oil and actress virgin olive oil.

9. For milk, alternatives, use unsweetened, kokosnoot milk, or unsweetened almond milk.

10. Eat a wide diversity of foods

11. Contain fermented foods which are naturally rich in probiotics (e.g. sauerkraut, kombucha tea etc.)

12. Allow fourth dimension for exercise, stress reduction, and adequate sleep.

thirteen. Try this program with a friend or your significant other.

14. Go organized and plan alee past shopping for and preparing foods that you Can eat.

fifteen. Buy the highest quality ingredients that your budget volition permit.

Foods to Eliminate:

​1. Whatsoever food that you lot're allergic to

two. Gluten-containing grains (wheat, rye, barley) and whatever prepared foods containing gluten.

3. Dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt, ice foam).

four. Soy or any products made from soy, such as soy milk or tofu.

5. Corn and corn products -the vast bulk of corn and corn products come up from genetically modified organisms (GMO'southward) which can contribute to leaky gut.

6. Peanuts and peanut butter.

7. Sugar.

8. Eggs (Note that quality eggs are really healthy for yous, still, they are on the list of foods that people often react to). ix. Any candy or highly refined foods.

10. MSG and aspartame

After Emptying:

​The goal of the emptying diet is to reconnect with how food makes you experience. In that location is no typical or normal response as each person may differ in terms of how they feel. The fundamental is that yous learn to reestablish your connection with food and begin to empathize how food may affect you.

Afterwards 3-4 weeks you might endeavour reintroducing some of the foods that you have eliminated. Begin reintroducing foods one at a fourth dimension, allowing 3 days between each reintroduction. Some of the foods on the list that I would suggest avoiding forever if you can would include: gluten, soy, any genetically modified organisms (GMO'due south), MSG and aspartame. If symptoms persist, further nutrient allergy testing may be warranted.

Some patients detect having the leaky gut protocol two or three times a week is a good maintenance plan. As a minimum, you should accept a good probiotic supplement 2-3 times a week or ingest fermented foods similar sauerkraut or kombucha tea.

We also advise working with a nutritionist, who can help guide you. For more information about implementing the leaky gut protocol, an emptying diet or other nutritional changes, call the office (303-343-3121) or contact a nutritionist for more information

Additional Leaky Gut Resources: