
How Long Does Toasted Skin Syndrome Last

If you're on dazzler TikTok, you lot may have noticed a few videos discussing Toasted Skin Syndrome popping upward lately. The condition is characterized by a criss-cross type rash, so if you lot've noticed something similar on your skin, it's definitely one to get checked out.

During the colder months, although it's tempting to sit straight next to your portable heater or radiator or cuddle that hot water bottle, you lot could exist doing your skin some serious damage.

But what actually is Toasted Pare Syndrome, and can you treat it yourself at habitation? (And more to the point, should yous?) We defenseless upward with Dr Sophie Shotter, founder of the Illuminate Peel Clinic, to break it down.

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What is Toasted Skin Syndrome?

Dr Shotter explains that Toasted Skin Syndrome (TSS) is the colloquial name for the medical condition erythema ab igne. "It's characterised by red skin discolouration, itching and burning sensations. The condition is caused when the skin is repeatedly exposed to low grade heat sources (43-47°C or 109-117°F) – non enough to burn it, simply enough to cause impairment with repeated exposure," she tells us.

"The exact machinery of impairment is not fully understood, but it is believed that the prolonged heat exposure causes changes in the peel's rubberband fibres and the microscopic blood vessels near the peel'due south surface," she adds.

woman laying on sofa with hot water bottle on stomach

(Image credit: Moyo Studio via Getty Images)

What causes Toasted Pare Syndrome?

Heat sources that can crusade TSS are numerous, only the status can issue from resting a hot laptop on your legs for long periods of time or, as TikTok users have noted, regularly using a hot h2o bottle to help ease period pain.

"It was originally found in coal workers and chefs," Dr Shotter explains. "Current common sources are laptop batteries which tin cause TSS frequently on the left thigh, seat heaters in cars, and heating pads or hot water bottles." All the more than reason to work from a desk-bound at home!

How to treat Toasted Peel Syndrome at habitation

While it is possible to care for Toasted Skin Syndrome at home, Dr Shotter advises seeking medical communication if you lot think you have information technology. "The well-nigh important step is to remove the estrus source to forestall farther impairment. This volition usually pb to resolution of the discolouration," she explains.

Fifty-fifty if the TSS resolves on its own, Dr Shotter stresses that it's worth seeking the advice of a doctor or dermatologist, as it can increment your risk of certain skin cancers. "I think if information technology has resolved it's always wise to monitor the area in the future for changes that could be worrying," she adds.

"Removal of the heat source is plenty [to treat TSS] in most people. Retinoids tin be a useful treatment option in some people, but I would seek specialist advice for this before just randomly ownership i."

For medical advice tailored to you, always consult your doctor.

Lucy Abbersteen

Lucy is a beauty journalist who has written for titles including Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, OK!, woman&dwelling and Women's Wellness, as well as regularly contributing to My Imperfect Life. Her work covers everything from peel and haircare tips to trying and testing the latest beauty launches, and interviewing celebrities and experts. A certified domestic dog person, her other interests include mental wellbeing, books, piƱa coladas and not getting defenseless in the rain.

How Long Does Toasted Skin Syndrome Last,


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